The Top 4 Water Powered Sump Pumps

Discover Why These Water Powered Sump Pumps Are Listed As The Top 4

Knowing Which Water Powered Sump Pumps Are The Top 4 Will Help You Make A Good Decision

Which water powered sump pumps do you think are in the Top 4? Here’s what we found. The Top 4 are  #1 Liberty SJ10, #2 Zoeller 503-0005, #3 Basepump RB750-EZ, #4 Basepump HB1000. A quick shop of the top 4 is provided on the right.
If you are looking for a water powered sump pump, this list will help you greatly. For your convenience a link is provided with each of the four best sellers so you can quickly, at a glance, review the features of each sump pump, see what customers are saying about them, and then see how costs compare at online stores.
As shoppers we did research to find out which  were most popular and most highly rated. We want to share our findings with you. We believe this information will save you time and help you discover what you want based on product features, customer reviews, price comparison and purchase links before you buy.
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Top 4 Water Powered Sump Pumps
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If you have been following our list of the Top 4, you will note there is a change since 2011. In 2011 the top 4 were as follow: #1 Basepump HB1000, #2 Basepump RB750, #3 Wayne EWP10 and #4 Zoeller 503-0005.
Today the top four are #1 Liberty SJ10, #2 Zoeller 503-0005, #3 Basepump RB750-EZ and #4 Basepump HB1000.
To help you understand water powered sump pumps and how the top 4 compare, we are providing the following information.
Click on ‘Quick Shop’ ‘Read Reviews’ ‘See Features’ for each pump below to perform that action.
1. Liberty Pumps SJ10
2. Zoeller 503-0005 Homeguard
3. BasePump RB750-EZ
4. BasePump HB1000

Why install a Water Powered Sump Pump?

The water powered sump pump keeps running. It has no moving parts and does not require electricity or a battery.
Unlike battery backup sump pumps, water powered pumps will run as often and long as there is city water. Batteries for battery backup sump pumps become depleted long before.
The water powered pumps are very popular in areas where there is no electricity for days and even weeks. The pumps just keep running, unless a major catastrophe occurs and there is no city water, as the pit fills with water. They keep the basement dry.
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Liberty sj10 1-1/2-Inch Discharge SumpJet Water Powered Back-Up Sump Pump

Why are these four pumps rated as the Top 4?

More consumer reviews exist for the Liberty SJ10 than the other three pumps. The Liberty SJ10  had 119 reviews. Of those 119 reviews, 87 customers gave the Liberty SJ10 5 stars out of 5 and 15 consumers gave it 4 stars out of 5.
The Zoeller 503-005 is best seller number two, has more ratings that the two Basepumps; however, only 18 customer gave it 5 stars and 7 gave it 4 stars.
The Basepump RB750-EZ is best seller number three with the fewest number of consumer ratings; however of the 19 reviews, 14 of the customer reviews gave it 5 stars and 3 customers gave it 4 stars.
The Basepump HB1000 is best seller number four with 23 consumer ratings; 17 of the customer reviews gave it 5 stars and 5 customers gave it 4 stars.
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Zoeller 503-0005 Homeguard-Max Water Powered Back-Up Sump Pump


Similarities Among Water Powered Pumps

Made in the USA

All four are similar in that they are made in the United States. Liberty Pumps and Basepumps are located in New York; Zoeller is located in Kentucky. They all make their own parts, assemble the pumps and test them. USA made parts have proven to be better. Some manufacturers have tried having some of their parts made overseas and have found the pumps fail faster so have decided to make all of their own parts in the USA.

Ratio: One gallon city water; two gallons pit water removed 

Each of the four pumps is similar in that each requires one city gallon to remove two gallons of sump pit water from the pit.

Pumping rate – Performance 

The four pumps have a similar pumping rate at 50 PSI (Pounds of pressure per square inch) with a 10 foot vertical height. The GPH (gallons pumped per hour) ranges from 825 to 1000. The Liberty SJ10 and the Basepump RB750-EZ pump 825 GPH; the Zoeller 503-0005 pumps 950 GPH and the Basepump HB1000 pumps 1000 GPH.

High water alarm

Each of the four has a high water alarm. The high water alarm for the Liberty is found on the model SJ10A; the high water alarm for Zoeller comes with the model 503-0007. Basepump RB750-EZ and Basepump HB1000 have alarms.

Connect to 3/4 inch inlet water supply

Each of the Top 4 are made to connect to a 3/4 inch inlet water supply.

Suction pipe in pit

The top four have a suction pipe in the sump pit. The ejector sucks up the water from the pit through the suction pipe.
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BasePump RB750-EZ Key Parts Water Powered Back-Up Sump Pump

BasePump HB1000 Water Powered Backup Pump


Differences Between Water Powered Pumps

There are four basic differences between these four pumps.


The location of the water pump is not the same for the Top 4 pumps. The Liberty SJ10 and Zoeller 503-0005 are located in but above the primary pump; the Basepumps are attached to the basement ceiling beam which means they do not have to fight the downward force of the water the Liberty and Zoeller pump do.

Visible float in the pit

The float is visible in the pit for the Liberty and Zoeller pumps.


The price for the Liberty and Zoeller is about the same $130-$180. The Basepumps cost more. The price ranges from $290 to around $460.


The warranty for the basepumps is longest – five years. Liberty offers three years and Zoeller one year. Warranty may or may not be significant because each of the manufacturers expects their pumps to last longer than the warranty period. Zoeller manually tests each pump in the factory to ensure it will work if installed properly.
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How the Water Powered Pumps Work

When the water level rises in the pit, the float is triggered which causes the pump valve to open. When the valve opens the water coming from the municipal water supply begins to flow through the ejector. The water comes through the ejector a great pressure. As the municipal water flows through the ejector, a vacuum is created. The vacuum creates a powerful suction (known as the venturi principle) and the pit water is sucked up through the suction tube which extends into the sump pit. Together the pit water and city water are discharged through the discharge piping system.

See a water powered pump in action.

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Investing in the right backup system is so important.

To help you make the right decision, ask yourself the following questions.
How often does the electricity fail in your area? How long does the electricity remain off during a power outage?
Have you been concerned a battery will not last long enough before the power comes on again?
A water powered backup pump removes the fear of the unknown length of a power outage.
Your home deserves to be protected from water damage when those heavy rains come.
Cleaning a flooded basement causes lose of valuable, takes so much time to clean up and poses a health risk with growth of mold.

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Liberty Backup Sump Pump SJ10, SJ10A (Very Detailed Review).
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