Website Internet Marketing

Website Internet Marketing Opportunity

Have you received emails inviting you to make money through website internet marketing? Are you skeptical about owning a website to make money through internet marketing? Are you clueless where to begin and who you can talk with for help? Are you worried that it will cost you a lot of money to learn how to earn money with website internet marketing?

Web Address Image.We were skeptical and afraid of being scammed when we started two years ago. We did not know how to build a website, where to find tools and training to help us, and how to select something to promote through internet marketing.

We read a lot of reviews and found the company, Wealthy Affiliate, to be very trustworthy; they have no hidden costs – just $.99 (99 cents) per day or $365 per year to belong. We wanted to make money on the internet because the bread winner of our family lost his job, had interviews but was never offered a job.
Early on we learned that there is no such thing as quick money. It takes time to get traffic to ones website, however two years later we are getting over 8,000 visits per month. This year we tripled our income.

How to Build a Website?

When we started years ago we knew nothing about how to build a website. Today we have six websites we built from scratch. Wealthy Affiliate has provided all of the free training we needed along with all of the free tools and website hosting we need to support our websites after the free trial period. We are visual learners so have benefited greatly from all of the instructional manuals that include pictures showing exactly what we are to do. In addition we have attended free weekly video training via our computer.

Picture of The Earth In Someone's HandsThese presentations have addressed things we didn’t understand. In addition we asked questions at the end of each presentation and sometimes sent a message to the presenter days after the presentation if there was lingering confusion. Plus the video training is posted on the Wealthy Affiliate website so we can watch the presentation as many times as it takes for us to understand what is being presented.

We are now using two free Wealthy Affiliate tools and have built two types of websites. Three of our websites are built using a website design tool that includes both text and some simple html coding. Our other three sites are built using Word Press – which allows for blogging from visitors to our sites. Word Press uses text and does not require the usage of html.

What To Market on the Internet? 

Picture of Earth In The Middle of A Group of PeopleWe have several interests and topics we know a lot about. We purchased website names for those niches through 1and1 for $14.99 a year and began creating web pages for our sites. From experience we learned that the Google search engine sends visitors to us when we have quality, unique content. It is easy for us to tell others what we know so we can help them. We have chosen not to get involved in the accounting and shipping of product so we have become an affiliate marketer of Amazon which is free to us. Amazon sells products that support our interests. So we create website pages talking about specific products based on our experience with them.

We also compare product brands to educate the internet shopper. Then we create a link on our website pages to the Amazon products. Google ranks our web pages by keywords. When a search is performed for our keywords Google will direct the web surfer to our website. When the internet visitor is interested in a Amazon product featured on our website, they will click on the link. The link from our website to Amazon passes a specific internet marketing code unique to us. When the internet visitor buys the Amazon product, Amazon records the sale to our account and we are paid a commission. We thoroughly enjoy website internet marketing because we can help others, and present our experience and knowledge to help internet shoppers make wise selections.

How costly is it to do website internet marketing?

The only expenses we have yearly is the subscription to Wealthy Affiliate ($395.95) and $14.99 per year for each website we own.

Person Holding Information Sign
Person Holding Information

The subscription price to Wealthy Affiliate includes tools – keyword tool to find the number of searches performed monthly and the degree of competition of other websites; website tool to provide the format and support needed to build and host a website, blogging tool to provide format and support need to build a blog for visitor interaction, instructional guides for each tool, keyword tool to find number of searches and competition of other websites; live video training to provide guidance on how to build an internet marketing business; live chat room to get quick help when one is stumped; forum to provide support and encouragement and an article directory where internet marketers can post articles and include a link to their website/blog which increases visitor traffic to their sites.

The subscription price also includes website/blog hosting. We have found that with all of these tools, support and encouragement we do not need to purchase any additional tools or support.

Is website internet marketing for you?

Do you have an interest or knowledge you wish you could share with many people? Internet marketing provides the perfect platform from which to present your thoughts, knowledge and experience.

If you are on a tight budget, but could afford $.99 (.99 cents) per day this is an opportunity you will not want to miss. Internet marketing has changed our lives. We like to be our own boss, work from home and work when and how much we choose. This is an opportunity that starts from nothing and builds to be what you choose. It takes work, but it is something that rewards effort.

Click here to learn more about this wonderful opportunity. You can try it for free with no risk and no credit card required.