Work At Home

Online Business Opportunity Table of Contents

Why Did We Start?
How Did We Discover This Opportunity?
Why Was Joining Wealthy Affiliate ‘Right’ For Us?
Wealthy Affiliate Training Helped Us Get Started
We Know From Experience That Wealthy Affiliate (WA) Is Who They Say They Are
We Received All We Were Looking For And Much More From Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate University Video Tour.
How Did Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing Originate?
How Satisfying Is The Support For Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing?
What Does It Cost To Receive Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing?
Links For Viewing Tools At Wealthy Affiliate Website.

Online Business Opportunity Earn Money From Home – Why Did We Start?

  • My husband lost his job.
  • He was over 55.
  • We needed income to pay the bills.
  • No work-at-the-company job postings utilizing my husband’s skills existed near our home.
  • Unemployment did not provide enough income.
  • We had to do something.

We found this neat opportunity and wanted to share it with you.
Go to Wealthy Affiliate yourself and see what they have to offer.

How Did We Discover This Opportunity?
Two important resources – our computer and internet access – opened the door of opportunity for us.

  • We spent several days searching the internet for work at home opportunities. We were surprised by how many there were.
  • To help us find the one that was ‘right’ for us, we created a list of what we was important to us.
  • We were looking for something that:

– Provided training both written and visual that we could understand.

– Was not a scam.  We found some online marketing opportunities that
were free to join and promised “we’d get-rich-quick”.  But we later learned
they had hidden fees and there is no such thing as “get-rich-quick”.
– Required low start up and continuing fees of less than $50.
– Did not require signing a contract.
– Provided flexibility in marketing techniques and products/services.  We
wanted to do what motivated us.

Why Was Joining Wealthy Affiliate ‘Right’ For Us? Wealthy Affiliate is ‘Right’ for us because:

  • Wealthy Affiliate is known as the #1 Internet Marketer Training program.  They also provide tools that speed up the online marketing process.
  • No investment fee was required except the $39.99 per month.
  • No contract was signed.
  • We can select the marketing techniques we want to use and which companies and products or services we want to market.
  • Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam.  They are who they say they are.

Wealthy Affiliate Training Helped Us Get Started. When Joining We Didn’t Know:

  • Anything about the Web – How to own, design, create, or link to and from a Website.

      Wealthy Affiliate provided: training, 1:1 coaching, a forum where we
found answers to our challenges, Web templates (for newbies), and a
website creation tool. This website is a result of what We learned from
Wealthy Affiliate.      

  • How to make money online – how much we would have to invest to receive pay, how we would find products, how many money making techniques were available to us.

Wealthy Affiliate training presented the concept of affiliate marketing,
     many techniques for making money – some completely FREE (article
writing), others with a charge per click in exchange for payment when
product is purchased (PPC).

  • How to write articles – the keywords, format and content required to gain a ranking in article submission tools and in search engines.

Wealthy Affiliate provided an abundance of training, FREE tools for
     Keyword searches, Search Engine Optimization, NicheQ (exposes HOT
     Niches), examples of good articles and a list of FREE article publishing
     tools.  They taught us to have ‘quality content with informational

  • How to drive traffic to a website – we thought the more traffic the better.

Wealthy Affiliate taught us that “Traffic does not equal sales.  Traffic
plus relevance does.”

We Know From Experience That Wealthy Affiliate (WA) Is Who They Say They Are

  • WA is not a scam. They do not say FREE and charge you later or have small print in a contract that makes it difficult for you to opt out if for some reason you choose to do so. We just talked to someone last week that said he ended up paying $9,000, made very little profit and had an extremely difficult time getting out of an online business he joined because he missed the fine print in a contract.
  • WA is known as the #1 Internet Marketing Trainer.  They have a training library that covers what you need to know – whether you are a newbie or experienced. In addition new training tips are published weekly. Reading different approaches to the same topic causes the light bulb to go on.
  • WA cares about those who want to earn money. They know what it’s like starting out with NO experience, NO support, NO special skills and NO money. They answer our questions and send helpful emails with guidance.

Here’s a link to their website.

Check it out! Obtain their FREE INTERNET Wealth Guide to understand how to harness the power of the Internet to make money.We Received All We Were Looking For And Much More From Wealthy Affiliate.  They Have Provided Us With A Wonderful Opportunity

  • We are shocked at what we know just because Wealthy Affiliate has provided such excellent training. We like the step-by-step tutorials, videos and an opportunity to ask questions from those more experienced.
  • We are so energized. We have the freedom to follow our niche (interests) and market them as we choose.
  • We can work as hard as we choose, when we choose and where we choose as long as we have access to the Internet.(It’s hard to go anywhere these days without wireless internet connectivity.)
  • We have only a small cash outlay per month – initially we paid $39.99 per month since we decided to pay month by month. Now we pay for an entire year up front so it costs $29.99 per month. This covers training, tools (creation of web site, keyword searches, Search Optimization), web hosting, forum interaction, internal job posting opportunities (i.e. Request for article writer, someone to create a website. We have chosen to do things ourselves because we want to learn how to do it.)
  • We have an opportunity that has no limit to our earning potential. We have learned that the training guides lead to success.  We earn even when we are sleeping or on vacation. Someone is always searching for something Online.

Here’s the phenomenal training and tools WA provides with your membership of $49/month or $499 annually:

  • Easy to follow formal tutorials on article marketing, email marketing, Pay-Per-Click, SEO, research and finding Niches.
  • Videos for visual learners.
  • Informal training on activities and tips related to the formal training.
  • Offers search capability to quickly find a special course or article topic of interest by keyword search.
  • Alternatives and suggested approaches.
  • Personal one-on-one coaching from the owners (Kyle and Carson).
  • An 8-week lesson plan to encourage members to read assigned material and home work assignments to reinforce learning.
  • Large member interactive forum to foster the asking of questions and providing an opportunity for helping others grow.
  • Keyword list building tools.
  • Product research tools.
  • Ad Competition Spy Tool.
  • Click Bank Research
  • My Linker Cloaking
  • NicheQ (Exposes Hot Niches).
  • Web site builder (Site Rubix –  surprisingly easy to use).
  • Web hosting.

How Did Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing Originate?

The owners, Kyle and Carson, started out as college students with $25 over 17 years ago.  Through research, trial, error, and the desire to succeed they launched the Wealthy Affiliate  training and tools program in 2005.  Because of their passion to help others succeed, they personally help those who ask for advice.

How Satisfying Is The Support For Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing?

The amount of  training for online marketing continues to grow.  Every week new articles are published providing tips and new ideas.  Support for the Wealthy Affiliate tools is dependable.  Web hosting is consistently up and running.  The coaching provided by the owners and other FORUM members is fantastic.  They care about each others success.  The more committed one is to succeed, the more valuable the Wealthy Affiliate training and tools for online marketing success will be.

What Does It Cost to Receive Wealthy Affiliate Training And Tools For Online Marketing?The monthly fee covers everything that was mentioned above including web hosting.  There are no hidden fees.  The cost is broken down into two memberships standard and premium. Membership costs are $47 per month.

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) does not sell domain (website) names.  Domain names can be purchased from several companies for less than $15 – a one time yearly fee.  WA both sells domain names and hosts websites. Here is a link to their site: Domian Names And Web Hosting!. Just click on the Domain tab and select Domain Search to find a domain for your potential website.

There is no contract to sign to receive Wealthy Affiliate training and tools for online marketing.  You control how long you want to receive Wealthy Affiliate training and tools for online marketing success. You also can quit at anytime and receive a refund for the unused portion of your membership fee.

Take a look at the Wealthy Affiliate training and tools for online marketing for yourself.  There is no charge to take a look.  You will be glad you did.  I am so grateful that I took a look.  I have reached a new energy level and am so motivated to continue growing my online marketing business.

We are excited to be a part of ‘Wealthy Affiliate’.  It has transformed our view of work.
We really enjoy what we are doing and our earnings show it.

We’d like you to join us!  Go to Wealthy Affiliate yourself and see what they have to offer.
(With the click you can receive WA’s FREE Internet Wealth Guide.)

Links For Viewing Tools At Wealthy Affiliate Website